"Can YOU survive AI's explosion, or will AI take your job?"

Did Elon Musk buy Twitter to free our speech, or did he really buy it to gain access to one of the world's largest real-time language databases for his own AI to train on? The truth may be revealed later in this blog post, but for now, let's discuss the fears surrounding AI and its rapid growth.

AI has been let out of the bag, the genie has escaped from the bottle, and Pandora's box has been opened. With such powerful forces now unleashed, it's crucial to understand the potential dangers and consider how we can adapt to ensure our survival and prosperity in an AI-dominated future.

The Fears and Dangers

The media and social platforms are literally exploding and fueling our fears about AI, which range from job loss to the potential for AI to be used by bad actors, criminals, terrorists and even foreign governments employing AI to spy on people and manipulate social media. 

These concerns are not entirely unfounded; AI-driven scams, like the cloned voice that was used on a 72 year old woman and her husband for thousands of dollars, are becoming increasingly common. And the ever-evolving phishing threats, enabled by AI tools like ChatGPT, present a significant challenge to IT organizations, requiring new solutions to combat them. Let alone what some governments are already and will use AI for.

Job Loss

The rapid advancement of AI technology threatens to impact millions of jobs across various sectors. According to estimates, up to 300 million jobs could be affected, with AI potentially changing the nature of work for a significant percentage of the global workforce. As a 50+ year old man with physical limitations, I find myself asking: how will I survive in this AI-dominated future?

AI Development and Regulation

Prominent figures like Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak,and Andrew Yang have signed a petition calling for a temporary halt to AI development for the next 6 months. This move, intended to allow time for the establishment of safety protocols, raises the question: is the rapid development of AI technology akin to other monumental moments in human history, such as the creation of the hydrogen bomb or the discovery of the double helix? Are we on the precipice of another human supernova expansion of our reality, and do we have the wisdom to handle it?

AI and Human Wisdom

First the atomic bomb then starting in 1953, humanity acquired power through groundbreaking discoveries such as the hydrogen bomb and the DNA double helix, without the wisdom to manage them. Is AI on par with these monumental moments in human history, or is it an even more significant event?

AI has the potential to become an infinitely more significant event due to its pervasive nature and the broad range of applications it possesses. Some possible threats from AI in the near future include:

  1. Unprecedented privacy invasion through AI-powered surveillance systems and data analysis.

  2. The creation of deepfakes that could undermine trust in media and public figures.

  3. The development of autonomous weapons, leading to an escalation in conflict and loss of human control over warfare.

These examples highlight that AI, like any other technology, can be a powerful tool for both good and evil. As we move forward, it is crucial to develop the wisdom to harness AI's potential while minimizing its risks.

Elon and Twitter

Elon Musk, a visionary entrepreneur with plans within plans, thinks creatively to synthesize diverse disciplines and technologies, creating innovative solutions to complex problems.

The recent acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk whom I do greatly admire and support, claims to support free speech, also raises questions about his intentions. With access to Twitter's massive language database.

Elon could potentially use this data to train AI models, like the one he is reportedly developing as a direct competitor to ChatGPT. His recent hiring of former AI developers from Google's DeepMind and the involvement of renowned AI researcher Igor Babuschkin.

His participation in slowing down AI development by signing the petition could also be seen as an attempt to give his own AI projects the ability to catch up or an edge in the race for AI dominance.

My thoughts

As a 50+ year old man with severe physical issues, I worry about my ability to compete in a job market increasingly dominated by AI. Blue-collar jobs, for example, may become rare as automation takes over. Art, Programing, teaching, if you can name it, I believe it's on the chopping block

Pandora's box has literally been opened! 

With things like chat gpt’s api becoming open source and major corporations like microsoft, investing billions of dollars into the field. Let alone governments like the ccp. 

Does anyone actually think something like a petition or our so called benevolent governments will be able to actually bring about or even enforce pausing for 6 months?.

“The avalanche has started, Either get on a surfboard and ride it or learn to breathe under all that weight of the future.”

But there is hope. In our rapidly changing world, we must learn to adapt and find new opportunities. By embracing AI and its potential, we can not only survive but thrive in this new dawn.

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In conclusion, yours and my fears surrounding AI are understandable, but it is essential not to give in to them. Instead, we must recognize the power of AI and work together to ensure that its development is guided by our collective wisdom and focused on benefiting humanity.

Stay tuned for my next installment, where I will delve into the positives of AI and how you can adapt to not only survive but thrive in the face of this technological revolution. 

Whether you are average or an exceptional person a teen, young adult, middle aged bloke or shiela or someone in our glorious 50’s.

Everyone can use AI and turn a APOCALYPSE into a WIN.

Thanks for reading / watching and i hope you join me in buckling down for the ride of our lives.


The AI Job Crisis:
